Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I am back online! Something happened to my blog and for an extended period of time, I was unable to log in. Crazy, huh? Sooooo - I guess an update is in store! We had our baby! He is now almost 6 months old and is the most amazingly happy baby. He loves to eat... lol!He is much bigger than the picture - It was taken shortly after he was born.
I am doing great - I have decided to go back to school to follow my dream of Surgical Technology. I am so excited about it. I work during the day and go to school in the evenings. Busy, busy, busy.
A week after our baby was born, my husband started have severe double vision. We took him to the ER and they couldn't figure out what was going on with him. We saw several more physicians but long story short, he has been diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis. It has been a very difficult process. Imagine one day being fine, able to do what ever you want and than wake up the next day and all of the sudden the smallest of tasks leaves you with difficulty breathing, muscle weakness, difficulty walking, double vision.... It's been a process adjusting to our new life. He has to go in the hospital about every 4 weeks for treatment. It is so frustrating because it seems like the treatments are getting less and less effective. We go see a neuromuscular specialist on our 3rd anniversary. Hopefully he will have some new options for us.
The kids are all doing great. We all recently moved and are loving our new place. Guess that's all for today - I will be blogging more now. :) Leave me some comments, Come on folks, Show us some love! lol!

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