Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hello World!

So, I'm starting this new blog up to sort of just have a place to vent and what not.  We'll see how it goes...

If you have found this blog, you probably already know me but for those of you who are unfortunate enought to not know me, I'm Niki. I'm very much an oringinal and I'm a JESUS FREAK! Doesn't mean I'm perfect. Far from it. All my friends know that I tend to speak before I think.
Today I'm at the center volunteering (fyi - crisis preg pro-life center).  It's been a quiet day so far though I think it will pick up some this afternoon.  Ate a frozen meal for lunch but really wanted to KFC which is right across the street but I'm too lazy to go over there... lol....

Thinking about next week, aka Christmas.  Got to do the family thing even though there are some family members I just really don't want to see.  Is that so horrible? So this is all boring news for ya'll i know...

Here's a blog entry taken from my myspace account for your reading enjoyment:

September 4, 2008 - Thursday
Fatty, Fatty 2 by 4, can’t fit through th kitchen door...

i. feel. fat.

which makes me grumpy. makes me not a nice person to be around. which just makes me even more grumpy.

think it's strange the way when i get in a bad mood, other things pop up that seem to darken the pit. i start thinking about all the bad stuff - the negative stuff. i guess it's almost like feeding the darkness and giving it more power as it tries to consume me.

my husband is the most wonderful man on earth. he told me this morning that i was the most beautiful woman. that meant so much to me.

thank you God, for giving me this incredible husband

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