Monday, May 24, 2010


~ We came home from church last night to find this kitten all but dead. His little body was limp, eyes fixed & very shallow breathing. He didn't respond to any kind of stimulation. He is the runt of the litter & has been weaker and more sickly than the others so we weren't really surprised. Joseph asked if he could pray for the kitten because he felt God had invested the power of healing in him. How were we supposed to argue with that? I told him that sometimes it is God's will that animals die to avoid any kind of suffering. I worked at a vet's office for a while so I was sure that this kitten was going to die. How little was my faith. Joseph sat & prayed over the kitten for several minutes & then we wrapped him in a towel & put him in a box for the night. Roger & I both felt like the kitten would be dead by morning. Imagine our surprise this morning when we woke up to find the kitten up & about, meowing in his box. He still isn't out of the woods but he is headed there. Never say prayer doesn't work.

Monday, May 10, 2010



Well, apparently someone has been reading my mail / or blog... lol...

As you all know, I am dealing with forgiveness. Or anger and unforgiveness rather. I went to church Sunday morning expecting a nice sweet sermon dealing with Mother's Day but instead, God had other plans. Pastor preached about forgiveness. Wow, did it hit home.

Why should I forgive?
- Forgiveness brings healing - which I need.
- Forgiveness is for benefit - It's not hurting the person that I haven't forgiven, it's hurting me.
- Forgiveness saves the expense of anger - which I have so much of.
- Forgiveness saves the high cost of hatred - not sure if I would use the word "hate" but pretty close. And if God loves that person and I hate them than what does that say of me? hmmmmm....

How do you forgive?
- Immediately - well, in my case not so immediately.
Still don't really know how to forgive. Pastor said something about not just forgiving part of it but forgiving ALL of it.... Really?? Do I HAVE to? But there is freedom in forgiveness.

Forgiveness is an action, not a feeling. We have to CHOOSE to forgive. Maybe not necessarily Forget. I think forgetting is a whole 'nother topic.

So today I choose to forgive that person. To not speak negatively any more about them. I will write down every transgression this person has done to me and than burn it and give it COMPLETELY to God. Because it's not my role to exact judgment on people. I have my own sins and faults - Lord knows, I don't need anyone else's.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Random Thoughts on Smiley ---

Saw Smiley this morning. For those of you who don't know who Smiley is, he is our local small town character. He typically walks all over town muttering to himself but has been known to carry on an intelligent conversation when the mood strikes him. There are many rumors of who he his and what his story is but I personally don't know which one is true. He is pretty pleasant fellow and if you can get him to sing, it's hilarious (and strikingly good! as the clip above shows).

Today, he crossed the road in front of me. I was a little aggrivated as he was crossing against the light but than I thought, well, it's smiley...

Than a river of random thoughts flooded my mind - What would Sylacauga be like without Smiley? He is getting older and won't be around forever. Will his funeral be a huge one with local government officials even attending the memorial of a beloved small town character? or will be a small, neglected affair as no one "really" knows him? Will our children grow up and hear us tell tales of Smiley and wish they had had the opportunity to meet this unique individual. The entire thought process left me feeling sad.

So if any of you have any comments about Smiley, or information about him, feel free to post below.