Friday, January 6, 2012

Long Awaited Update

I had started keeping a blog at another site though it is not the same as this one.  This is the more "what's going on with my life" type of blog - the other one is more about emotions that I go through. Soooo I just realized I haven't been in this one in a year! WOW!

Here's what going on NOW....

I am 2 quarters away from graduating with an associates in surgical technology. I have maintained a 4.0 the entire time, am a mentor, and also a member of the Gamma Beta Phi Honor Society. Never thought I would or COULD be where I am today... I LOVE LOVE LOVE Surg Tech...

E is now almost 16 months old - he is amazing! He is growing so fast and has so much joy. I love when he smiles because his eyes smile too. It just melts your heart... <3

O is 5 and is still my little diva. She tends to get in trouble at school because she LOVES to talk... Her teacher actually sent me a note home saying "She's wearing me out"... lol... I wanted to send one back that said, "Now you know how we feel" LOL

J went to his first dance =) He had a great time. He is also playing basketball this year. He is growing up entirely too fast. He's having some problems with Math at school but has A/B in everything else.

A is 4 months clean. I am so incredibly proud of her. She looks like a totally different person. She looks like a gorgeous young woman. She comes and stays with us every so often.

Hubby is doing okay. He had to go into the hospital recently due to fluid build up around his heart and lungs as a result of the steroids. The steroids are rough on him. But he's doing better than he was...

We are in a very weird place in our lives right now. We are trying to work through it and get back on top but it's so hard when so many people have turned their backs on us. But I have decided I'm not going to focus on the friends that I lost (b/c if they were really my friends to start with, they would still be here with us instead of judging us). I'm going to focus on the friends we have. Because those are the ones that are our true friends. It's just hard b/c we are so scared to trust any of them. Because we did trust them and then we got stabbed in the back. But the main thing I try to remember is that we got each other. Hubby is my best friend. My family is my everything. I love them with all of my heart. I am so blessed to have them.


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