Sunday, November 11, 2012

All Gave Some and Some Gave All....

As I see all the posts and watch all the videos in honor of Veterans' Day, I can't help but to think of our veterans and their families and all the sacrifices they have made in the name of freedom. I think we take our freedom for granted entirely too much.

Everyone wants to complain about the government, the election, etc but I think we all need to take a moment and think how BLESSED we are to have the FREEDOM to complain!!!

There are wives sitting at dinner tables with their children and an empty chair where "Daddy" should be sitting. There are mothers who cry themselves to sleep at night missing their sons and daughters. There are husbands tucking their children into bed at night and helping them to say a prayer for "Mommy" who is so far away. There are fathers who choke back tears as they listen to the patriotic songs play as they think about their child who is fighting for our country.

There is the husband, daughter, son, wife who is fighting for our country in a foreign land far away from their children, spouse, parents. Everyday they fight. Their's is a 24/7 job with no escape. Not really. Not even when they finally come home. The things they have seen, the experiences they have been through - will forever be with them. It influences every fiber of their being. Every moment of every day.

The LEAST we as a country can do is take a moment and tell our veterans how much we appreciate them.

I personally wish there was more I could do to show my appreciation. To show them how thankful I am for them fighting so I don't have to. To show them while I will never truly understand how much they have sacrificed, I do recognize it and appreciate it.

So to them I say...

Thank You.

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