Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rocky Terrain brings about Beauty

Sometimes it is so frustrating to go from having an incredible support group of friends around you to having very few.

At one point, you have people asking how you are doing, bringing meals by, offering to help with household chores, etc...

And then next thing you know, nearly everyone forgets about you.

I say NEARLY everyone.

There are a few who still remember. They still come check on you. They still bring you meals and offer to help in anyway they can.

THOSE are your true friends.

Some people get so into helping others. This isn't always a bad thing. But when you go searching for "bigger" and "better" situations to help with, maybe the motive behind it all isn't what it should be.

I have found that I have some incredible friends. I am thankful for the experiences my family has had to go through. It has helped us discover who we can trust and count on. It has made us stronger. It has made us appreciate our friendships.

The experiences have had an effect on me in both positive and negative ways. I am bitter. I am angry. I feel betrayed. But I have learned a lot about people.

Experiences change people.

Sometimes for the good. Sometimes for the bad. It's really up to the person who is going through it to decide how it's going to effect and change them.

I choose good.

I choose to cherish my friendships and to return all the joy they have given to me.

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