Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just Say NO to SNOW

Soooo, it's supposed to snow tomorrow. Well, isn't that great. We are supposed to be leaving tomorrow to go out of town for our anniversary. Well, I say BOO to snow! I have never liked snow and probably never will. It's cold, wet and messy. There's nothing pretty about it unless you're looking at a PHOTOGRAPH of it and not actually having to endure it.

Okay, so update on everything that has been happening in our lives. I'm now 13 weeks preggers (14 weeks this Saturday which is also our anniversary AND Valentine's Day). I was in the hospital for like 2 weeks because I was puking my guts up and by the time it was all said and done, I was on 5 different medications for nausea. I am not taking anything right now. My appetite is not great but at least I can keep food down. I have lost 20 pounds total. (Which is kinda good thing - I needed to loose some weight) I go back to the doctor on the 19th so will update more on everything then. 
Kids are great. I was horrified when my super intelligent, gifted, amazing son brought home a 66 in spelling. I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack. Apparently he hasn't been turning his homework in. His tests are all like 95 to 100. Talk about upset. I was. Very. SOOOO, he and I had a "talk" and now the issue has been resolved (*hopefully*). It just upsets me because there goes his honor roll, you know? He is so smart and is in the gifted program. I just don't want laziness to get in the way of opportunities - I know, he's only in 3rd grade, but you know what I mean.
My little diva is doing great. She thinks she is grown and that everyone should take pictures of her. At 3 years old, I have a major diva on my hands. She is doing great in ballet but being the youngest in the class, she tends to try and run the class. ***Sighhhh****
Hubby and I are doing awesome. He is currently on a fast. Our ministry is going great. We have about 110 people come on a given Friday night. on the 26th of this month, we have Teen Challenge coming to do some human videos and testimonies. I am so excited about them coming. Teen Challenge is the program Roger went through and it CHANGED. HIS. LIFE. God uses Teen Challenge for sure.
We will be celebrating our 2nd anniversary this weekend. So everyone have a great weekend, cuz I know we will! ;)

By the way, Check out this link - AMAZING drama team...

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