Wednesday, March 10, 2010


It's raining outside. Fitting. Today has been a crazy day. Our road was literally flooded. My son was hit in the head with an umbrella at school by a classmate. My husband is very sick. *sigh* Trying to blog more so as to build up my followers.
Thoughts for the day:
Pregnancy -- Am I big enough to be 17 weeks? Why don't I feel the baby moving yet? Is this normal? Is that normal? Some days I wake up and forget I'm pregnant. Is THAT normal? What is Normal? The miscarriage has got me really messed up and fearful. I over analyze every twinge of pain or discomfort. I know that can't be normal.
Ashley - Miss her so much. Daughter helps bring comfort. Both of my children are amazing and I am so thankful for them. They are not your normal kids either. To know them is to be astonished.
Friends - Come and Go. Some that I thought were so close, have disappeared b/c i no longer fit into their "lifestyle". Other than husband, wonder if I will ever have a best friend. A true friend. Maybe it's me. I am a loner by nature and people in general get on my nerves. Crazy how I envy people who are always surrounded by lots of friends having a great time yet I don't want to be there amongst the people. I would rather spend time by myself or with husband or kids. I'm a dork.
Family - Brother and I are getting closer. Other Brother and I have a unique relationship. We are close tho we don't have to talk all the time. He's  a lot like me. Loner. Sister - Relationship has been repaired as far as I know. It's awesome. Other Sister - hear from her very rarely. Wouldn't say we are necessarily close though it's possible she also is a loner. Who knows. Mother - just don't have the energy. Father (Bio) - Don't have the desire Father - Love him. Always there for me when I need him but doesn't try to push him self on me when I don't.
Husband - AMAZING. Even sick. He is my dream guy and I don't mean that lightly. My soul mate. God made this man for me. I don't always agree with him but he is truly amazing. I love him so much and am so thankful for him.

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