Friday, March 19, 2010

We're having a..........

Well, my blogger friends, we just left the doctor's office. Had a great visit. Got to ask all my questions that I was freaking out about concerning the c-section and feel somewhat reassured. Still not looking forward to it but suppose it's a necessary evil. My prob with not realizing I'm in labor until about 7 centimeters may be an issue but not going to (or TRY not to) stress about that right now. They checked my weight and I thought I had gain like a massive amount of weight. Turns out I LOST 2 pounds. Must say I was tickled about that but my belly is so big that even my maternity pants are too tight (What's up with THAT??). So, not sure WHERE I lost the weight or if maybe their scales are just broken but either way doctor told me not to worry about weight until after I have baby so :)
SOOOOO here's the topic that everyone is asking about. Are we having a GIRL or a BOY??? Had THE SONOGRAM today. You know, the "big" one where they make sure baby has all his/her fingers and toes and the heart rate is good. She let us see the heart beat which was 135 - kind of low for a baby but still normal. Just gonna have a laid back baby (PLEASE LORD!!!). Then she looked at the legs, they were great little legs with little feet on the end. The baby is head down (already???) and at one point the sonogram lady and the baby decided to both push from opposites sides. Baby's knees against Sono Probe - OUCH! I was like wow - that hurt and she said, well, the baby's knees are there so that's why. Hm. Kindof freaked me out a little b/c I have never felt like the baby's bones protruding into my flesh this early. But ok. So, we got down to the topic at hand. She looked and said, I know what it is. We were like What, What? Tell US! And she said You see those two little lines? And we were like, uh, sure, okay. She said It's a boy!!! =) I was like Are you SURE?!? (B/c we REALLY wanted a boy and I didn't want to get all excited - I mean, I would have loved a girl too but I already have my little girl and honestly, I'm not sure she would be willing to share the spotlight...) So anyway, she said it was DEFINITELY 100% a boy. She showed us his little wee wee and everything. He just laid there chillin and relaxing. So we already  had names picked out either way. The girl name we had chosen was Isabella Rain (just for you all who want ideas for your future kids :]) but this baby will be Elijah Rain Martin. We will call him Eli for short. =) Roger was crying the whole time after he heard it was a boy. He is ecstatic! SOOOOO..... Now ..... Who's going to throw me a baby shower???? =)

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